Denise Levertov is associated with the Black Mountain School of Poetry. She writes very descriptively with her poems, much like Yusef Komunyakaa, who is part of the Jazz Poetry. The context of these two poet's subjects are vastly different. Levertov often writes about everyday circumstances, like in Aware, or events that happen in a quick-paced time frame. Komunyakaa often writes about war and experiences that happen. These types of poems are very descriptive, where he goes back several times to reinforce a specific idea or point. I think Levertov makes her point and moves on through her poems. 

There are several similarities that I have noticed, too. Both poets make great use of space. They mix up the visual style of their poems, which keeps readers engaged. Also, the concepts they write about are easily grasped and understood by the audience. Levertov and Komunyakaa use free verse.

I, personally, feel that Komunyakaa is an easier read because of the subjects he chooses to write about. I feel that I can relate more to the conflicting feels that a war zone would create than how a tree makes sounds. Personification like in the poem Aware is a common devise of Levertov's that adds depth and difficulty to her poems. Others may feel that Komunakaa is harder because of his war oriented poems. This creates a stand off. Their uniqueness creates enough diversity that many readers will be fascinated with these two great poets.

AWARE by Levertow
When I found the door
I found the vine leaves
speaking among themselves in abundant
My presence made them
hush their green breath,
embarrassed, the way
humans stand up, buttoning their jackets,
acting as if they were leaving anyway, as if
the conversation had ended
just before you arrived.
I liked
the glimpse I had, though,
of their obscure
gestures. I liked the sound
of such private voices. Next time
I'll move like cautious sunlight, open
the door by fractions, eavesdrop

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    Mindy Hartings

    This blog contains posts I have made relating to my UH Poetry class. Many contain posts about poetry found in art and song, as poetry is all around us. Feel free to comment on any portion and add your own opinion. If you have found poetry in media or news, create a new post to enrich this site.