I thought she did a great job of setting up this article in a way that
instantly made people want to read more on a subject that might scare people  away. By starting off with her college years, I was quick to relate to her  stories that followed about finally finding something she liked and  a group to  hang out with because I’m the same age. Then, she masterfully transitioned to  her job and how she became a poet. The misunderstanding she experienced is the  same look I get from my friends when I say “I love that poem.” (I don’t even  follow poetry, and I get blank stares). In this situation, Arlene says, “I’d  move on to less freakish subjects.” I was sad to hear that she believed her  profession wasn’t accepted by her friends, that they thought it was beyond  weird. However, I think she was able to beautifully sum up her thoughts about “freakish” things in her last paragraph. It is freaky that we watch pop-tart cats flying around and dance to who-knows-what-they’re-saying day in and day  out. This comparison between two people’s interests and how, in a way, each
group thinks the other’s like is freaky. It sheds a better understanding on the way a poet thinks about things that I had never considered in that way before.  

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    Mindy Hartings

    This blog contains posts I have made relating to my UH Poetry class. Many contain posts about poetry found in art and song, as poetry is all around us. Feel free to comment on any portion and add your own opinion. If you have found poetry in media or news, create a new post to enrich this site.